November 1st, 2021
Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween weekend.
Despite having a particularly busy week with midterms, personal plans, and life, I've managed to get *just* a little bit of work done. I expected this week was going to be busy so I didn't pressure myself to finish as much as I usually would do.
This was the first week I officially started inbetweening! Aside from juggling several other tasks, I had to figure out a comfortable inbetweening workflow that would be efficient enough to be helpful later when I clean up. I tend to "overwork" a shot when inbetweening and can spend several hours making nuanced adjustments to a single sequence and forget to prioritize other shots. Anyway, I think I figured out a healthy workflow!
So here's what I made this week:

Some parts of the animations might look choppy or seem to freeze in place. This is because I plan to ink and clean those particular shots and add line boil in the future. For others, they are simply looping frames that will be tweened into motion.

The sketch that Runa makes will be added in post and will have a charcoal-like texture.

This mouse shot actually has two characters in its frame, Runa and Milo. However, Milo is the only one that is animated and Runa will be a part of the background art. The notes are directions for the camera to shift the direction of shallow focus.

The book will have a beautiful tree sketch, which will be composited in.
That is all! I hope to update much more substantial progress next week. Thanks for reading and see you then.